Exporting a Committee Roster

Committee rosters can be exported from a List page or a Quick Report. Active and future participants can be exported directly from their respective child forms on the Committee Profile.

This topic covers exporting a committee roster.

Exporting a Committee Roster from a List or Quick Report

Committee rosters can be exported from a List page and/or a Quick Report. Committee rosters can be exported using the following options:

  • Export raw data to Excel.
  • Export raw data to Word.
  • Export to a Text file.
  • Export to XML.
  • Export to ASCII Delimited/CSV.
  • Create a Word Merge document.

To export a committee roster from a list or a Quick Report, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Committee Profile.
  2. Using the List, Find, or Search option, load the committee roster you wish to export.
  3. Click the Export icon located at the top of a List page or a Quick Report.
  4. Choose the format you wish to export the committee roster.Your file will begin to download.

Note: Certain export formats may require additional settings prior to downloading. For example, when exporting a text file you will be asked if you wish the items to be comma delimited or if you would like to specify another delimiter. Other formats will immediately begin downloading.

Exporting Active and Future Participants from a Child Form

The active participants and future participants child forms have a Quick Report icon that allows you to immediately generate a Quick Report based on the participants listed on those child forms. From the Quick Report you can export the participants following the steps outlined above.